
We provide a variety of information about our products on our website or via direct mail, including a useful guide to help you service our products. Our product data by part number includes product specs, instruction sheets, accessories and other information.

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24741.62 kb
Synergie Nederland - Full Company Brochure
24741.62 kb
3249.74 kb
PEARLS brochure
3249.74 kb
3644.19 kb
SANDS brochure
3644.19 kb
644.57 kb
White paper Ron Legerstee
644.57 kb
2767.23 kb
Air-fluidized beds and their ability to distribute interfacepressures generated between the subject and the bed surface
2767.23 kb
369.18 kb
Air Fluidised Therapy - Physical Properties
369.18 kb
1296.72 kb
Air Fluidised Therapy in the treatment of severe burns
1296.72 kb
776.74 kb
A 13-year retrospective study evaluating the efficacy of using AFT for toxic epidermal necrolysis
776.74 kb
323 kb
A quantitative study of hydration level of skin surface and microclimate management
323 kb
550.6 kb
What is the best support surface in prevention and treatment, as of 2012, for a patient at risk and/or suffering from pressure ulcer sore?
550.6 kb
1062.15 kb
Common Questions About Pressure Ulcers
1062.15 kb
160.7 kb
Bactericidal effect of the Air-Fluidized bed
160.7 kb
218.41 kb
Further Studies on the Bactericidal Effect of the Air-Fluidized bed
218.41 kb
695.49 kb
Prone position in therapy Refractory Hypoxaemia and how to use AFC
695.49 kb
3109.66 kb
User Manual AFCS (for translated versions please contact us via
3109.66 kb
675.45 kb
User Guide Backrest
675.45 kb
1037.98 kb
How to use AFC for prone positioning
1037.98 kb

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